Hello, I’m Nick Donfris. I’m a software engineer developing useful tools and solutions. I’m a full-stack web developer, and avid supporter of open source software. I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Arizona.
My Development Environment
Currently I have found a lot of success using an Ergodox EZ keyboard, neovim for my editor, and fish for my shell language. The configurability available in these tools has allowed me to create a very efficient workflow. There is a wide variety of languages and tools I use depending on the project. Some programming languages I use frequently include but are not limited to: Javascript, Typescript, Python, Rust, Lua, Java, and C.
For web development I have experience with the frontend frameworks React, Vue, and Svelte. I have experience with the backend frameworks Express, Fastify, and Rocket. I have experience with the database systems Postgres, MongoDB, and Redis.
This website
Supplycode was built with astro, a static site generator. Through it’s island architecture, it is albe to use different frontend frameworks for different layout’s across pages (similar to many micro-frontend architectures). This allows me to use the best tool for the job, and mix frameworks as I see fit. I deployed the site through vercel, which has been a great experience so far. UI components are written in astro, vue, and react. Other key technologies used in this site include tailwindcss, lottie, mdx/md, typescript, and resend. In the future, I plan to write include a walk-through on how I would recommend setting up an astro project, based on my experience building supplycode.dev.