web tools
Having a couple of years under my belt using typescript, I’ve come to feel rather comefortable across a plethora of frameworks across the web-dev tech stack. Below, I will share some of noteworthy resources, I have come across.
favorite frameworks
favorite libraries
browser extensions
(I use firefox, but most of these should be available in other browsers)
- vimium: vim based keyboard movement throughout browser
- firenvim: insert text editor into browser text boxes
- tree-style-tabs: removes tab bar from the top of browser and places it vertically down the side
- stylus: allows for custom css to be applied to any website
helpful resources
- tailwind grid generator: incase grid css layouts are not behaving as expected.
- px to rem converter: table to refrence conversion between px && rem css units.
- icones: icon library for web components and svgs
- css background patterns: helpful visuals of barebones css patterns.
- mesh generator: interactive css designer that can be used to generate various common css backgrounds and patterns.
Obviously, this is not an exhaustive list, but it should be enough to get you started. For examples of more exhaustive lists, check out awesome-web-dev-resources.